Basic contact information

Homepass's contact model uses the jCard format (aka the JSON version of vCard 4.0).

The jCard schema is published by the IETF.

  • A JSON jCard object is used to represent a vCard
  • Multiple jCard objects can be included in the same JSON document by use of a simple
    JSON array, each element being a single jCard object representing a complete contact.
  • An additional x-ref property is included to represent an external contact reference key which is advised by an external business system.

The core vcard properties are:

adrA structured representation of the physical address for the contact.
bdayDate of birth of the individual associated with the contact.
categoriesA list of tags that can be used to describe the contact.
emailThe address for electronic communication with the contact.

The formatted name string associated with the contact.
genderThe individual's gender.
geoSpecifies a latitude and longitude.
kindDefines the type of entity that this contact represents.
langDefines a language that the individual speaks.
nA structured representation of the name of the contact.
nicknameOne or more descriptive/familiar names for the contact.
noteSupplementary information or a comment associated with the contact.
orgThe name and optionally the unit of the organisation associated with the contact. This field is based on the X.520 Organization Name attribute and the X.520 Organization Unit attribute.
photoAn image of the contact. It may point to an external URL or may be embedded as a Base64 encoded block of text.
eventsA list of event structures associated with the contact. This is an xCard extended field that must be prefixed with the x-homepass namespace.
relatedAnother entity that the contact is related to.
revA timestamp for the last time the contact was updated.
roleThe role, occupation, or business category of the contact with an organization.
telThe canonical number string for a telephone number for telephony communication with the contact
tzThe time zone of the contact
urlA URL pointing to a website that represents the contact.
uidThe persistent, globally unique Homepass ID associated with the contact.
x-refThe contact reference key (typically unique) advised by an external business system.

Additional properties to facilitate paging are:

totalItemsTotal number of vcard objects
itemsPerPageMaximum number of vcards that will be included in the "items" array
itemsSinceISO 8601 formatted timestamp representing the time the first page request was made.
Passing this value in the url parameters for subsequent page requests will aid in avoiding duplicate items being returned (eg. when new items have been added to the system since the first page request)
nextLink to the next page of vcard items
selfLink to this page of vcard items
itemsAn array of vcard objects
  "totalItems": 4,
  "itemsPerPage": 2,
  "next": "",
  "self": "",
      		["version", {}, "text", "4.0"],
      		["fn", {}, "text", "Bruce Wayne"],
      		["n", {}, "text", ["Wayne", "Bruce", "", "Mr", ""]],
      		["adr", {"type": "work"}, "text", 
        			"Level 9 412 Collins Street",
      		["tel", {"type": ["cell"]}, "uri", "tel:+61451659888"],
      		["tel", {"type": ["voice"]}, "uri", "tel:+61395518888"],
      		["email", {"type": "work"}, "text", "[email protected]"],
      		["geo", {"type": "home"}, "uri", "geo:46.766336,-71.28955"],
      		["note", {}, "text", "Looking for 3 bedroom house."],
      		["uid", {}, "text", "5460182a15e0475aca0ec1c8"],
      		["x-ref", {}, "text", "EXM-983748973"]
       		["version", {}, "text", "4.0"],
       		["fn", {}, "text", "Peter Parker"],
       		["n", {}, "text", ["Parker", "Peter", "", "Mr", ""]],
       		["adr", {"type": "work"}, "text",
          		"Level 10 412 Collins Street",
       		["tel", {"type": ["cell"]}, "uri", "tel:+61451659777"],
       		["tel", {"type": ["voice"]}, "uri", "tel:+6139551777"],
       		["email", {"type": "work"}, "text","[email protected]"],
       		["geo", { "type": "home" }, "uri", "geo:46.766344,-71.28944"],
       		["note", {}, "text", "Looking for 1 bedroom unit."],
       		["uid", {}, "text", "2873182a15e0475aca0ek3i8"],
       		["x-ref", {}, "text", "EXM-12374233"]